Sunday, July 17, 2011

My poor neglected sewing cabinet

I'm not proud to admit it, especially when a lot of sewers would LOVE a Horn sewing cabinet. Mine is very unloved of late.
Over the past few years I've gone from sewing all day most days, to rarely sewing at all. Just after the peak of my sewing, my grandmother offered me her sewing cabinet. It was lovingly received and it rekindled my love of sewing.
Since buying this house and moving my sewing time has diminished to the point were my machine now lays idle for months at a time. The only reason it has been used at all lately is because I could not find any winter pants for G for school which resulted in me having to make them.
A reason it doesn't get used would be that probably around year ago A lost my key for the cabinet, and the spare we found for it a month or so later. Getting the machine out was a mission without the keys! When the passion isn't there, that amount of effort just isn't worth it.
All of this brings us to this week. J found a set of old keys under the house, which fit the cabinet. Today I have hemmed up 3 sets of pants for G, turned a size 10 jumper into a 7, and then cleaned and reorganized the cabinet.

Gosh its nice to have it all clean and organised, maybe it will spark my Passion again?

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